Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Narration Practice

Verdie and Agnes: Our first date
An Airplane ride in My Luscombe

The almost new 1946 Luscombe probably had more appeal than any automobile I could have afforded to buy. This was my second airplane after selling the Stearman but now I had a job with the telephone company making $33 per week. The Luscombe only cost $2800. People wondered how I could afford to eat but I had a fancy silver 1946 Luscombe Silvair with an enclosed cabin and passengers did not have to climb up on the wings to board. I spent hours polishing its natural silver shiny aluminum. It was really a nice looking airplane.
When I started flying lessons I learned in a Luscombe. Agnes worked as a telephone operator at Northwestern Bell. I was working on the line crew and once in awhile I went into the office. I saw her at the office and then met her later at a dance. I knew who she was from seeing her at work. I asked her for a date and wanted to know if she would go for a ride in my airplane. We decided it was a good idea.
A few days later we went out to the airport. I can’t remember if we walked because I still didn’t own a car. I might have used my dad’s car but somehow we got to the airport outside Monte. I know we did walk sometimes to get to the airport. If Agnes was scared she never admitted it. She must have trusted me. She enjoyed it because we went flying some more not to long after the first ride. Sometimes on Sunday mornings we got in the Luscombe and went to flight breakfasts in towns close by..
The payments on the Luscombe were getting a little more than I could handle so I sold it and took a Stearman on trade in. this was about the time we were getting ready to get married. I had bought a 37 Chevy and the Luscombe was a little bit more of luxury now but I still needed a Stearman. Aggie didn’t change her mind about me or flying when I got the Stearman. . This one had a canopy and it was quieter than the first Stearman. The wind and rain stayed away. Agnes went along with me when I gave rides for pay. It must not have just been the Luscombe that made me a good catch.
Fifty years later we still had many dates in the Piper Cub. I sold the Cub in 2005. Not too long before I sold it, Agnes and I went in the Cub to a flight breakfast in Henning about a hundred miles from Monte.

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